Hilde Peters

Hilde Peters (Utrecht, 1983), studied at the pabo and art academy. In addition to being an illustrator, she is an elementary school art teacher. In the middle of Utrecht, she lives with boyfriend and daughters in a wooden house by the railroad tracks, with a garden full of free-range chickens.

Her stories are lighthearted and humorous, yet also sensitive and endearing. For her visual stories, Hilde likes to be inspired by her surroundings. She observes everyday life and puts her own spin on it in her illustrations. In this way she creates recognizable situations that go just a little differently than usual. Often her stories are about how you relate to the world as a child.

In the large illustrations, the reader can discover new details endlessly. Hilde pays great attention to continuity in the settings of her stories, so that the world she outlines is believable and you are drawn into it as a reader.Hilde uses playful and incisive lines in her work, creating a dynamic whole. The joy of making it shows.

E-mail: info@hildepeters.nl

Website: www.hildepeters.nl

Instagram: @hildesillustrations

Oh, Chickens!

When you are incredibly fond of the chickens in your yard, and you hear that there’s going to be a storm… Surely you won’t let them sleep in their cold pen? You smuggle them inside! But be careful Dad doesn’t find out. Why does he himself actually prowl the house so restlessly?

“Oh, Chickens!” is a story about animal love, being sneaky and about how sometimes things are different than you expect.


It’s raining and you don’t feel like it, but you have to go to the market with mom. So much noise, the fish smells. But there is also a lot to see, and you get to taste everything. Just when you start to like it, mom disappears from sight…Can the market help find her again?

‘Market’ is an ode to the market with all its diversity of smells, colors, sounds and especially people.

Perpetuum Mobile of Play

A drawing about the constant movement of play of two sisters dressed in their favorite onesies.

Other work