Welcome to Studio Misprint’s Risoprint course!
In this course you will learn how to design, print and bind your own zine/booklet using the riso printer and under the guidance of illustrator Ellis Tolsma.
Over several weeks, you will immerse yourself in the world of making booklets with your own story and discover the colorful and unique aspects of the risoprinter. You will learn about color separation, paper types, binding techniques and other important aspects of zine design and production.
Illustrator Ellis Tolsma will guide you through the entire process, from brainstorming and sketching to bringing your ideas to life in print, in the form of your own 6-8 page zine.
The zine format is great for a short story or an overarching theme. Your illustrations will be the focus, but you will also learn how to handle text and typography. If you have always had a poem, short story or even book in your head, this course is excellent for discovering how this works as a booklet and for experimenting with your own ideas.
This riso zine course is the perfect opportunity to explore the creative process of riso printing. So join today and discover how much fun it is to create your own zines!
Experience not required.
To take our creative courses and/or for our mentoring programs, you can apply for financial support through PPO Werktuig.
Apply quickly for an allowance of 1/3rd of our course fee (for Amsterdam residents and Nijmegen residents even 2/3rd until the end of 2023)!
Check out the website for more information.
Do you hold a U pass? Then you can also spend your credit with us. Email us as soon as possible to reserve your spot and indicate how much of your credit you want to use (emailing does not guarantee that there is still room, sometimes things can go fast!).
Dates: 4 Saturdays from 2:30-6:00 p.m., Jan. 20 and 27, Feb. 3 and 10, 2024
Result: Your own printed riso zine
Cost: €320.
Teacher: Ellis Tolsma
Entries: max. 10 people
Location: Studio Misprint, Grave van Solmsstraat 2, in Utrecht.