We are honored to offer you this course in conceptual illustration by Aad Goudappel. Winner of many awards in the UK and US (oa Communication Arts, World Illustration Awards, American Illustration etc) and former ‘visual mentor’ to our own Ellen Vesters. Like no other, he knows how to capture an overall story in one strong image in his illustrations. We asked Aad to teach you how to shape your own powerful image narratives.
Conceptual illustration is all about the idea. But how do you get these ideas and how do you develop them? In this course you will learn to generate and develop your ideas into strong proposals as well as illustrations.
We’ll use a variety of ways to get the flow of thought going, and using concrete real-world assignments, you’ll explore your unique ideas. You get to work as you would for an (editorial) client. We will have group discussions but also one-on-one counseling. Aad helps you get ahead with personal attention, regardless of your level.
After doing this course, you will know where ideas are hiding and how to get them on paper: never staring at a white sheet again!
Experience is not a requirement, but you must have the courage (and reasonable ability) to draw.
To take our creative courses and/or for our mentoring programs, you can apply for financial support through PPO Werktuig.
Apply quickly for an allowance of 1/3rd of our course fee (for Amsterdam residents and Nijmegen residents even 2/3rd until the end of 2023)!
Check out the website for more information.
Do you hold a U pass? Then you can also spend your credit with us. Email us as soon as possible to reserve your spot and indicate how much of your credit you want to use (emailing does not guarantee that there is still room, sometimes things can go fast!).
“A big 10. Aad makes a nice mix between info and practice. With lots of humor and chocolate! He got me drawing again.”
Images created by students:
Frank Mineur, Pepijn Berghout, Simon Willems and ‘Onleintje’.
Dates: 8 Friday afternoons from 1:30-4:30 pm, March 15 and 22, April 5, 12, 19 and 26, May 17 and 24
Result: You go home with more insight into your own creative process and different ways of developing ideas for an assignment
Cost: €549.
Lecturer: Aad Goudappel
Entries: max. 10 people
Location: In De Ruimte